On Oct 27 Hisami had a live talk session on Ustream with Takashi Yasozumi (@cohada) and Yasushi Arai (@yasushiarai) as part of an interview series, “industry key person, asking the president” (in Japanese).
At ad:tech tokyo, Hisami spoke at the Digital Signage panel discussion plus at an impromptu “Chabudai Taidan” (tea table talk). Takafumi Horie (Horie-mon) was also seen talking at this site.
At the regular JaM Media Session in Tokyo on Nov. 5th, the topic was slightly changed from the usual to an interactive discussion on “Back to the Future: Marketing’s Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.” Real time discussions could be followed via tweets (#JMS) and a tweet summary is also available (in Japanese).
At ad:tech tokyo, Hisami spoke at the Digital Signage panel discussion plus at an impromptu “Chabudai Taidan” (tea table talk). Takafumi Horie (Horie-mon) was also seen talking at this site.
At the regular JaM Media Session in Tokyo on Nov. 5th, the topic was slightly changed from the usual to an interactive discussion on “Back to the Future: Marketing’s Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.” Real time discussions could be followed via tweets (#JMS) and a tweet summary is also available (in Japanese).