JaM’s 10th Anniversary & adtech tokyo board member

This year marks JaM Japan Marketing’s 10th anniversary of becoming an LLC partnership in January 2001, after its founding in 1998. Thanks to everyone for helping us get here to celebrate this milestone!

Reflecting on the past 10 years, there has been a paradigm shift in communications and how we use the Internet, changing how we do business and marketing at every level. The way everyone is “connected” amplifies their voices, and people are indeed participating and enjoying this new sphere of influence.

The value that JaM provides is to always look at things through the lens of users. We look forward to the next 10 years on that challenge, building upon our experience and knowledge that comes from our role of bridging the US and Japan.

Thank you & Yoroshiku onegaishimasu!


​Announcement: Hisami Ohshiba has been appointed Advisory Board Member of ad:tech tokyoheld in October 2010.

Returning from the earthquake & aftermath in eastern Japan

Our thoughts and prayers are with everyone affected by the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami of March 11, and sincerely wish for healing, rebuilding and hope. Hisami experienced the earthquake firsthand while on a business trip to Tokyo, and returned to the US later that month. Putting aside the sensationalism of some US media, ordinary Americans have shown an outpouring of sympathy and support to Japan, as chronicled in Hisami’s blog (in Japanese).

This Japan trip included attending the ad:tech tokyo event October 28-29, 2010, and the appointment of Hisami as an Advisory Board Member. Then on March 8, a lively discussion with Toru Saito on Looops TV via Ustream, along with TechDoll’s Yukari Mihashi. Archived here, and tweets from the broadcast here (in Japanese). Topics centered around differences in social media and social networks in US vs Japan, including users’ and marketers’ perspectives.

Almost 70% of people online in the US use social networks, so even earthquake news was obtained real time from people in Japan through their connections, and not relying solely on mass media.

In those exchanges, Americans have expressed their admiration for the Japanese — their stoicism, their generosity in helping each other, and their strength of character — a degree to which would be unimaginable in any other country. As one of the worst disasters in history, no mass chaos ensued, but rather an immediate focus on relief and recovery in an orderly way. This could not have happened in the US.

The world is rooting for Japan. Every individual effort and continuing that effort is what’s really important right now.

7th JaM Media Session in Tokyo on Nov. 5th

The 7th JaM Media Session in Tokyo was held on Nov. 5th. This trip to Japan for Hisami was primarily as panelist at ad:tech tokyo on Oct 28-29. The session theme was on Digital Signage and a different track within the marketing space.

This JaM Media Session reviewed impressions from ad:tech tokyo, the Gap logo fiasco and the brand/fan relationship, and other topics for discussion outside of just social media.

7th JaM Media Session in Tokyo: Latest US Marketing Trends — What is the kind of communications that really moves people, and what do marketers seriously need to think about?

  • When: Nov. 5, 2010 (Fri) 6:30pm registration opens, 7:00-7:30pm session
  • Where: Tokyo Agency, 2nd Floor large conference room
  • Limited to 40 attendees
  • Cost: 7000 yen (payment & receipts at sign-in)
  • Copy of Hisami’s book, “The Presidential Elections in the YouTube Era” offered to all attendees

Summary of Japan Trip/Events Oct 23-Nov 9

On Oct 27 Hisami had a live talk session on Ustream with Takashi Yasozumi (@cohada) and Yasushi Arai (@yasushiarai) as part of an interview series, “industry key person, asking the president” (in Japanese).
At ad:tech tokyo, Hisami spoke at the Digital Signage panel discussion plus at an impromptu “Chabudai Taidan” (tea table talk). Takafumi Horie (Horie-mon) was also seen talking at this site.

At the regular JaM Media Session in Tokyo on Nov. 5th, the topic was slightly changed from the usual to an interactive discussion on “Back to the Future: Marketing’s Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.” Real time discussions could be followed via tweets (#JMS) and a tweet summary is also available (in Japanese).

At ad:tech tokyo, Hisami spoke at the Digital Signage panel discussion plus at an impromptu “Chabudai Taidan” (tea table talk). Takafumi Horie (Horie-mon) was also seen talking at this site.

At the regular JaM Media Session in Tokyo on Nov. 5th, the topic was slightly changed from the usual to an interactive discussion on “Back to the Future: Marketing’s Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.” Real time discussions could be followed via tweets (#JMS) and a tweet summary is also available (in Japanese).

Hisami Ohshiba to be panelist at ad:tech tokyo Oct. 29

Hisami will participate at ad:tech tokyo 2010, Oct. 28-29 at The Prince Park Tower. This will be the third ad:tech appearance following ad:tech tokyo 2009 and ad:tech san francisco 2010. The panel will be on Oct. 29 (Fri.) from 2:15-3:05pm.

Digital Out of Home Media Interactivity Beyond the Laptop and Mobile Device

Out of Home (OOH) Digital Signage is one of the new devices that is changing the landscape of digital marketing. This advertising space differs from traditional OOH in that it can communicate with users in ways previously not possible, by using various sensors and networks. This session will discuss the potential of Digital Signage, and will include case studies from the US and Japan.

Moderator: Mitsuru Honma, Manager, Communication tech.strategic Web Planning,
Kao Corporation


  • Kazuo Sato, Director, Mobility Design Group/Corporate Marketing, NTT DoCoMo, Inc.
  • Qanta Shimizu, Officer of Executive Committee, IMG SRC Inc.
  • Katsuhiro Yoshida, Media Chief Director, Oricom Co., Ltd.
  • Hisami Ohshiba, Founder and Managing Member, JaM Japan Marketing

Registration for ad:tech tokyo is here.

A great mixi meetup 2010 Panel Discussion (Tokyo)

The mixi meetup 2010 panel discussion in Tokyo was a huge success. Details are found in Hisami’sblog (in Japanese).

All the event sessions were lively and standing room only. The point of interest was the afternoon session by mixi President Kasahara’s announcement of mixi’s new platform. He revealed that their basic policy is to become more open, as mixi’s partnership with China’s biggest social network siteRenren and Korea’s largest SNS Cyworld, as well as Japan’s Yahoo!, Rakuten, MobageTown, Hatena, among others, will implement “mixi check” features on their sites. TechWave’s Mr. Yukawa who moderated at the event has summarized this (in Japanese) here. 

Hisami Moderator for Mixi Meetup 2010 “Social x Marketing” Panel in Tokyo Sept. 10

The No. 1 Japanese social site mixi’s President Kenji Kasahara invited Hisami to moderate their Mixi Meetup 2010 panel to discuss social media, to be held at The Prince Park Tower Tokyo.

Mixi Meetup 2010 Panel A Theme “Social x Marketing”: With the arrival of Social Media, how will marketing evolve? What is the essence of social media, why is it so significant, and what is its future? Four social marketing experts of Japan will be invited for this discussion.


Moderator: Hisami Ohshiba, Founder/Partner, JaM Japan Marketing LLC

There are already more than 3,000 registered to attend on a lottery system.

Announcing 6th JaM Media Session in Tokyo on July 27th

As witnessed during the recent World Cup, an unprecedented number of people from around the world enjoyed using social media tools like Twitter and Facebook to share their thoughts and have conversations with others in real time. There is tremendous growth in Japanese Twitter users, reaching 16% among active Internet users, passing the US user rate of 10%, and in the month of June, US Facebook user rate was 71% of Internet users, further establishing their position as leading online utilities. What are brand marketers doing via Facebook – a virtual online operating system – and other social media, to engage with users? And furthermore, what should they be doing? We’d like you to join us in this discussion at our upcoming JaM Media Session in Tokyo (in Japanese).

JaM Japan Marketing hosts the 6th JaM Media Session in Tokyo – Latest US Marketing Trends: How do & how can marketers engage with people through social media?

  • When: July 27, 2010 (Tues) 6:30pm registration opens, 7:00~8:30pm session
  • Where: Tokyu Agency2nd floor Large Conference Room (map)
  • Limited to 40 attendees
  • Cost: 7000 yen (payment & receipts at sign-in)
  • Copy of Hisami’s book, “The Presidential Elections in the YouTube Era” will be given to all attendees

Register: by July 23rd (Fri) via email

Hisami Ohshiba to speak at July 13 Nikkei Net Marketing Forum + MMC 2010

Hisami Ohshiba will speak again at the Nikkei Net Marketing Forum + MMC 2010 on July 13th at the Shinagawa Prince Hotel in Tokyo.

Following last year’s keynote, this year’s main theme is “Marketing’s Big Transition — A Shift from Brands to Consumers.” Hisami will participate as one of the four speakers in the Special Seminar “Capturing the Digital Generation — 4 New Trends in Relationship Marketing.” This session from 1:30 – 5:30pm will also include Ogilvy & Mather Japan’s President, Kent Wertime, AdMob Japan’s President John Lagerling, and Cyber Agent’s General Manager Kounosuke Takeishi. Details are below.

4:30-5:30pm Hisami Ohshiba Presentation “How Facebook is Breaking New Ground in Marketing — The Forefront of US Social Media.”

Presentation: With over 400 million active global users, and 50% of them logged on at any given time, Facebook is the world’s largest social network. With that level of activity, the speed and power of information shared between users can be a huge advantage for marketers. How are leading US companies utilizing social networks like Facebook to engage with users? How companies can best use social media will be explained citing the latest case studies.

You can register for this seminar here.

US NetMarketing Nikkei May 10th Column: Twitter’s New Ad Play “Promoted Tweets”

The May 10th Nikkei BP Online column (in Japanese) “US NetMarketing Chawa,” titled “Twitter’s New Ad Play ‘Promoted Tweets’” talks about the April 14th announcement that Twitter will donate all (US) public tweets to the Library of Congress for their archives. The Library of Congress recognized tweets as a valuable record of people’s lives and thoughts, and plans to archive the data beginning with the very first tweet on March 21, 2006, and going forward.

In the meantime came the “Promoted Tweets,” Twitter’s 140 character-style ads based on keyword searches. Currently companies who have a strong presence on Twitter for customer relations and branding such as Best Buy, Virgin America Airlines, and Starbucks, have started advertising via promoted tweets on a test basis.

Research found 34% of Twitter users dislike targeted ads, and if users don’t respond to the ads, they stop appearing, so it is still unknown how companies will understand the Twitter ecosystem in engaging with users. The column (in Japanese) can be found here.