Case Studies & Testimonials
Case Studies & Testimonials
“JaM provided us with consulting using the best practices for marketing and communications in the US, that became a basis for our social media program. As a result, we’ve had great success with social media, particularly with Facebook.”
— Naoaki Takayanagi Deputy Director, Corporate Communications, All Nippon Airways
“JaMさんには、日本からでは見えにくい、米国生活者のライフスタイルや価値観などに関するリアリティのあるInsightをEthnographic Researchを基に提供していただいており、これらは我々の商品開発の重要なヒントになっています。長年に渡るお付き合いをさせていただいており、良きパートナーとして家族のように信頼しています。”
“JaM gives us real insights into US consumer lifestyles and value systems through their ethnographic research, that are difficult to recognize from being in Japan. This has been a critical component for our product development. We have enjoyed a long term partnership with JaM, and trust them like family.”
— Ken Sato, Advanced Product Planning, Subaru Division, Fuji Heavy Industries
“昨今、日本国内の企業にとってもインターナショナルなマーケティング視点は非常に重要かつ必須になりつつあります。海外からの先進的な事例やトレンドを学ぶのみならず、マーケティング先進エリアであるシリコンバレーと、日本企業が直面している国内の事情の双方の文脈、文化背景、生活者ニーズを熟知した視座をもとにしたJaMの提言は、日本の生活者が少し先の将来に直面するであろう”未来の当たり前”を目の当たりにしてくれます。 まさに、チャーミングなタイムマシーン!”
“私ども小林製薬は新製品のアイデア発掘を目的として、毎年訪米し市場視察を行っておりますが、JaM Japan Marketing様とのお付き合いもこの活動とシンクロしており、かれこれ10年強の長きに渡ります。
最後に、JaM Japan Marketing様の更なる飛躍、ご発展を心よりお祈り申し上げます。”
“For more than 10 years, JaM has given us ideas that are essential to our product development. JaM’s research presentations contain insights about products, industries and consumers that are only possible from their experience of living in the US. Their perspectives are different from ours, which helps shed light onto new product ideas that reflect our slogan, ‘you make a wish and we make it happen.’ JaM is a great and well-trusted partner.”
— Fujito Owaki, Executive Officer & Senior General Manager, Kobayashi Pharmaceutical
“JaM does customized research for us in the US healthcare and medical industry, ranging from business to marketing and communications. This type of information and analysis is not available in Japan, and they actually attend and report in detail from conferences instead of relying only on online sources. They have been a valuable partner over many years, especially as our representative when negotiating partnerships with US companies. JaM always delivers high level results.”
— Katsumi Kondo, CEO, Infront
“JaM has provided us with the most current trends in marketing and communications from the US. These insights reflect the reality that we cannot capture merely from what we see online. This kind of knowledge that is based on marketing fundamentals is very important for agencies, but it also helps stimulate and inspire us in creativity as well.”
— Kenichi Kikui, General Manager, Tokyu Agency
“JaM provides us with the latest information about US marketing and communications, along with real insights that we just can’t see from being in Japan. It goes well beyond the typical advertising framework, and we get great inspiration from these presentations.”
— Nobuhiko Oda, Deputy Director, Interactive, YOMIKO
“The experience of working with the JaM team is invaluable. Their keen insight and expertise deepened our understanding of Japanese clients’ needs for companies like Toshiba, so that together we are able to effectively execute on clients’ goals in the global market.”
“Partnering with JaM is like having an insider on your team in every respect. They know the company, the culture and the client so well that the process becomes seamless. They navigate the complexities of cross-cultural agency-client relationships in a way that we would never be able to on our own. Additionally, the folks at JaM are an absolute pleasure to work with! ”
JaMは過去3年間、Toshiba Smart Community (TSC) のグローバルにおけるB2Bブランドとしての認知向上のために、グローバル市場に直接訴求できるソーシャルメディアを活用したコンテンツマーケティングの開発・運営を、日本の東芝のデジタルマーケティング部門と共に展開した。
ブランディングキャンペーン:JaMはExecutive Producerとして、米国のB2Bエージェンシーgyroと3Dアニメーションに特化した製作スタジオRoofとともに、TSCのB2Bブランディングヴィデオを製作。
For the past three years, JaM worked toward raising the awareness of Toshiba Smart Community (TSC) as a B2B global brand, using content marketing on social media to target the global market. JaM worked with Toshiba’s digital marketing division headquartered in Japan, to develop and manage the content marketing program.
Branding Campaign: JaM was Executive Producer of the TSC branding video, working with a US B2B agency, gyro, and 3DCG studio, Roof.
AdAge Article: Toshiba to Launch Global B-to-B Campaign Next Month
-- Effort Is Designed to Raise Awareness of Toshiba as a B-to-B Company
Native level English localization of Japanese content for TSC website (blogs, video, and all other marketing material.)
TSC’s LinkedIn page surpasses 300,000 followers (Japanese news release)
画像:TSCのLinkedIn ページ image:TSC LinkedIn Page
事例)2015年2月、Toshiba Smart Community(TSC)のLinkedInのフォロワーズは、30万人を突破した。JaMは、日本の東芝のデジタルマーケティング部門と、グローバル市場に直接訴求できるソーシャルメディアを活用したB2Bコンテンツマーケティングの開発・運営を行った。コンテンツのキューレーション、グローバルオーディエンスのレスポンスの分析など、最適なコンテンツを推奨し、コミュニティ構築に貢献した。
Toshiba Smart Community (TSC)’s LinkedIn followers surpassed 300,000 in February 2015. JaM worked with Toshiba’s digital marketing division headquartered in Japan, to develop and manage consumer and business social media to reach out to the global market. We helped curate and promote relevant content, analyzed audience response, and contributed to building the community.
Toshiba Smart Community : LinkedIn
Toshiba Smart Community : Facebook
Toshiba Smart Community : Twitter
JaMは、スマートグリッドやエネルギー関連のB2Bのメッセージングに優れた実績を持つ、Vantage PRとタックを組み、Toshiba Smart Communityのアクティビティの認知度を高めるために、数多くのPRの機会を発見した。Vantage PRは寄稿記事となる「thought leadership」を中心としたストーリーを開発し、業界トップのパブリケーションに採用された。
記事化された寄稿記事の例 :
JaM worked with Vantage PR, an independent B2B PR agency with experience in technology and clean tech, to raise awareness of Toshiba’s Smart Community business in renewable energy and smart grid in the global market. The strategy was to develop contributed articles on various trends and topics that were pitched to industry media. This helped establish Toshiba as a thought leader, and elevated their brand identity and reputation in the industry. Examples of published articles:
2018年夏に発売予定のSubaruの大型3列SUVファミリーカー2019 Ascentは、JaMが過去3年以上に渡って、SUBARUの日本本社の商品企画部と一緒にアメリカの家族を徹底的に調査し、そのInsightを活用して完成した車である。調査手法は、アメリカでは重要視されているEthnographic researchで、アメリカ消費者の深いレベルの価値観・心理・行動などを、自宅訪問をして、リアルな生活状況の中で本音を探り出し、調査分析するものである。車の開発には最低でも5年という長い年月を要するが、JaMはSUBARUの最重要マーケットである北米市場の消費者が、今から5年後、10年後にどのように変化していくかを、クライアントとともに考え予測し、それを商品企画および製品開発に提供している。これはJaMのExpertiseにおけるStrengthの1つである。
SUBARU's 2019 Ascent, a 3-row, large SUV family car to be released in the summer of 2018, is based on JaM's extensive research on American families over the past three years in conjunction with SUBARU's product planning department at its Japanese headquarters, and was completed using these insights. Using ethnographic research, we analyzed American consumers by visiting their homes to ascertain their values, mindset, and behavior. It takes at least five years to develop a new car model, and JaM focuses on how consumers will change five or ten years from now in North America, SUBARU's most important market. We consider various factors and make predictions together with our client, and provide these results to the company’s product planning and development divisions. This is one of the strengths of JaM's Expertise.
Ethnographic Research:調査目的の要件にあったターゲット層をリクルートし、彼らの自宅を訪問して、インタビューし、ヴィデオ化する調査手法。徹底的に彼らの生活、価値観、行動を観察調査する「人類学的手法」による、このEthnographic Researchは、JaMのクロスカルチャーなInsightが最も活かされるところといえる。
「Thought Leadership」とは、単なる自社商品やサービスに関する情報ではなく、発信者が属する特定の分野において、将来を見据えたテーマや課題の解決策などを提案し、議論を巻き起こすコミュニケーション活動。日本ではほとんど耳にしないアプローチだが、米国では、マーケティング、コミュニケーション、PRなどの業務をたずさわっていれば、必ず耳にする言葉である。発信者は、そうしたConstructiveなコンテンツの発信によって、その情報に関心を持つメディアやそのオーディエンスとエンゲージが図れ、その分野においてReputationが得られる。その例としてContributed Article(寄稿記事)がある。JaMのパートナーで米国のPRエージェンシーVantage PRとともに、パブリケーションに働きかけ、彼らのオーディエンスにとって有益で意味のある記事を寄稿することによって、発信者(=クライアント)の価値と認知度を高めるという活動を行った。各々のパブリケーションは、冷静にその寄稿記事の質を判断し掲載した。
「Thought Leadership」は時間と手間がかかり、すぐに目に見える効果が出にくいが、「深度のある質の高いエンゲージメント」へつながる可能性が高く、コミュニティの中で影響力のある人へのリーチアウトが可能となる。また鮮度に左右されないコンテンツは、時間がたっても納得させるだけのStrengthを持ち、発信者の信頼性は揺るがない。ポイントは、ターゲティング・オーディエンスが、その発信するコンテンツを「Social Currency」として、コミュニティにシェアしたいと思うかどうかである。
When the global enterprise software company Poet Software* launched their product in Japan, we partnered with a PR specialist in Tokyo for the announcement. Working with the PR professional, who is experienced with various global companies' media needs in the Japanese market, a comprehensive launch plan was executed -- from preparing press releases, press kits, and media lists, to producing the press conference, and setting up media interviews. As PR works differently in Japan, we ensured that the planning process worked seamlessly between the US and Tokyo. *Poet Software has been acquired by Versant Corporation
For many years, JaM has helped in product development, by identifying idea seeds for new products and services. These Japanese clients represent a wide range of industries, whose products range from household goods, personal care products, technology, and social media services.
Not only do we track new products in the US market, but we present the big picture behind their emergence. By explaining the culture, market trends, economy, lifestyles, and generational realities of US consumers, we reveal the "why" behind the new categories, features and functions. This information provides critical clues for our clients, who rely on JaM for insights that are neither easily understood across cultures, nor available from online sources.
With these idea seeds that accumulate over time, new products are developed for US, Japanese and global markets. Our relationships with clients have been built over a long term, including one who we've enjoyed for more than 10 years.
Topics we’ve covered in our custom research reports are as diverse and wide ranging as our clients’ industries. This requires that we leverage our strengths -- from being located in Silicon Valley, tapping into our network of industry specialists, to our experience in primary research involving one-on-one and group interviews.
For our Japanese clients, we’ve attended conferences and trade shows in the US on their behalf, particularly when distance, time and cost of attending themselves are difficult. We can connect directly with key industry people, and report about the latest news and trends.
We’ve also attended field research and conferences together with our clients, helping negotiate business meetings and providing consultation to maximize productivity within a limited time.
We understand the challenge of getting information online, or that information is not always available nor easily understood across cultures. Our research and analysis reports are always done with a US-Japan business perspective in mind, delivering a deeper understanding toward our clients’ business objectives.
JaM has been called upon to develop business strategy, and represent both US and Japanese companies to help establish business in each other’s markets. Our business development activity has involved finding potential customers as well as negotiating strategic partnerships, and ultimately finding the most effective means to enter the US or Japan.
The list of barriers in global market expansion is common for many companies: the lack of local connections or an international division, the tremendous cost and effort of establishing an overseas office, or even when there are employees in the target market, they cannot add more to their workload or are not appropriate for the new business. We understand these circumstances, and have helped minimize the time and cost for our clients by becoming their trusted partner in their US/Japan business development.